History ---- a word that rings true with most of us. Let’s dig into a little bit of history of our local architecture.

by Deborah Bowden



The History of our district began in 1850, in fact the first land auction in Samford was 1st February 1850. The area was dominated by banana, pineapple, dairy and beef cattle farming and sawmilling. The original old saw mill is still there at Mt Mee.  Just fascinating.

The early dwellers creatively resourced the wood from the sawmill (predominantly cedar and hoop pine) for the houses and what began as the townships of Dayboro and Samford. The first business shop in Samford was a bake house and general shop. In Dayboro the general store, and the Crown Hotel in 1888.

You can grab a coffee and bun from our Famous Dayboro bakery today and mosey across to “Hay Cottage” the first cottage in town to see some of this history. Or Samford’s “Slab Hut” where you can almost hear the stories told around the old stove.

The architecture of these initial dwellings was basic “survival” homes but our practical forefathers changed the type of housing as they faced the floods, heat, ticks and snakes. The points of reference for architecture changed so creative invention changed to suit the tropics.

As in all areas newcomers bought ideas and trends and so architecture followed. Walk along McKenzie Street and Cruice Sreet in Dayboro, or explore Highvale to discover some of the early 1900 houses “on stumps” our majestic iconic “QUEENSLANDERS”. (Above pic)

Craig Doyle Real Estate’s own original building was a late 1800’s workers cottage (pic below) now lovingly restored and sitting proudly on Craig’s private residence.

As demands of business grew Craig himself developed a modern new building, creatively capturing old world design – the building we are fortunate to sit in today at 2 Williams Street.

I have personally renovated 5 Queenslanders including a removal home to Cedar Creek that my English friends thought I was mad “putting a house on the back of a truck!!??”  3 others on our CDRE team have also renovated, and the other 2 have built so exploring “new architecture” design and adding their bit of creativity to the district forever.

So the question is….. can we as a district keep our roots while we spread our wings with development and change? ……My own response….Absofrigginlutely. Bring it on. It makes our everyday in real estate!!!

Change is a part of our DNA at Craig Doyle’s but what we don’t change is the old fashioned service, genuine interest in the individual. Every person on our team has a farming and country town background.

Thinking of renovating, moving a Queenslander or building your own piece of history?? Overwhelmed but know it’s what you want??  Drop by we would love to chat.

Deborah Bowden

Deborah Bowden


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History ---- a word that rings true with most of us. Let’s dig into a little bit of history of our local architecture.